The traditional divisions present in the legal world are already outdated. Therefore, we describe the areas we specialize in, a bit differently than most firms, by attempting to capture the progressing convergence of various sectors of the law. We operate within three general categories: areas, branches and practices.
international network of law firms
DGTL GRID is a network of cooperating small and medium-sized law firms in the CEE region – each with at least one in-depth specialization – connected to each other through long-standing relationships and mutual trust. In a specific case, each of these law firms can be the project leader, and the client has the option of managing the cooperation with multiple entities.
specialization and sharing
The DGTL GRID collaboration addresses both the issue of quality by being able to identify a law firm to act as project leader, as well as knowledge of a specific business area and/or familiarity with a particular country’s legal and regulatory ecosystem.
sieć kancelarii
DGTL GRID to sieć współpracujących ze sobą małych i średnich kancelarii w regionie CEE – z których każda ma przynajmniej jedną pogłębioną specjalizację – połączonych ze sobą poprzez wieloletnie relacje i wzajemne zaufanie. W konkretnej sprawie każda z tych kancelarii może być liderem projektu, a klient ma możliwość zarządzania współpracą z wieloma podmiotami.
i współdzielenie
Współpraca w ramach DGTL GRID adresuje zarówno problem jakości poprzez możliwość wskazania kancelarii pełniącej rolę lidera projektu, jak również znajomości konkretnego obszaru biznesowego i/lub znajomości konkretnego ekosystemu prawno-regulacyjnego obowiązującego w danym państwie.
As a team, we share a common set of values that we have chosen to follow in our law firm. We are determined that one of them is mutual respect and tolerance for our individual beliefs. We are also determined to strive to ensure that our work allows each of us to find a balance between our professional and family lives. We know how to achieve this without compromising on the speed of response to our clients’ needs and the quality of the work we deliver to them. The solution is technology – for some, the nightmare of being available 24 hours a day – for us, the ability to work from anywhere and adapt our work rhythm to that of our families. In doing so, we support each other, support our families, and cheer all our team members on to also support other communities and projects with a loud social message. This is our contribution to the path of building civil society. We work for the Teatr 21 Foundation, the Kozminski Foundation and the a/typical foundation. Not long ago, we adopted one of the paintings of the National Museum in Warsaw by Maksymilian Gierymski, and we also exercise patronage over one of the most interesting artists of the younger generation. Our lawyers sit on the Board of Trustees of the Leon Koźmiński Academy, the International Advisory Board of the ALK College of Law, the Program Council of the „We Read” Foundation, and the program councils of many legal and professional conferences held annually in Poland.