Piotr Żyłka
compliance & risk officer
Piotr is an lawyer, PhD student at the Law Doctoral Seminar of the Leon Kozminski Academy, as well as a graduate of the Executive Master of Business Administration program and post-graduate studies in the Compliance sector both from the Economic University in Wroclaw. At DGTL he co-leads the Compliance Practice which supports companies through compliance processes, which includes consulting when it comes to managing regulatory risks (especially with regards to the requirements of the payment services related provisions, the AML act and KNF recommendations/guidelines for regulated sectors).
He gained his experience through advising national and international financial institutions, where he was responsible for managing compliance systems regarding these entities’ activity on the Polish market. Amongst others he:
- Advised on the preparation of applications for authorization to operate as payment institutions, as well as the licensing process itself;
- Advised on the implementation and maintaining of risk management systems and internal control;
- Adjusted organization’s activity to regulatory requirements as well as recommendations of supervisory authorities;
- Helped in the implementation and leading of operation activity when it comes to preventing of money laundering and financing of terrorism;
- Coordinated activities aimed at minimizing regulatory risk;
- Developed and implemented a compliance management strategy in one of the economic entities operating on a national scale, based on recommendations, guidelines and standards applicable in the financial sector
Piotr actively engages in spreading awareness and knowledge of compliance on the Polish market through conference appearances as well as numerous publications in industry media. He is a columnist for Risk & Compliance Platform Europe and the author of the following blogs: https://dgtl.law/compliance przyszlosc/ and www.It’sAllAboutCompliance.com . Winner of the Main Prize in the expert article category in the “Pens of Responsibility 2022” competition.